It is now Cloud and Clear

Now that the Cloud technology has emerged as the most compelling paradigm, companies ranging from small and medium enterprises to over-sized corporates and conglomerates are shifting towards (or at least getting ready to) the current trend and thereby grab the manifold advantages of it with wide-open arms. In other words, it has now become inevitable for any firm regardless of its size and type to embrace the cloud for its future purposes of survival and sustenance. With the Internet becoming omnipresent and ubiquitous, Cloud has certainly gained an edge and prominence, especially in the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) sector. Nonetheless, umpteen Cloud services mushroomed all over. But is the inclination a virtue or a vice? Let’s analyze. Cost-effective Cloud technology allows the entities to take the total control of the services they offer while being cost-effective. This comes at a time when the sky-rocketing managing costs are becoming the cause of worry. ...