What is Anchor Text and Various types of Anchored Texts

Anchor texts are the hyperlinks with visible and clickable text (often blue and underlined). These wondtacular hooks pull the necessary information or take you to the destination in just one click. Search Engine Algorithms have a deep crush towards anchor texts and webmasters treat these as the necessary appendage for the pivotal role they play in link building. Albeit there are many an anchor text in the Search Engine Optimization community, using the right one in your content will boost the organic search for a website and ultimately improve its ranking. After all, a good ranking website makes a good lead generation. Let us take a stroll across various anchor texts:


Branded Anchor texts need no introduction, as the linked text is well known. For example Forbes, Huffington Post, etc;


Exact Anchor texts are exact key phrases for which one is are trying to rank the page. For example, if you are trying to rank for “On-Page Optimization”, they need to copy and paste the exact phrase for the anchor.


These URLs do not contain any URLs text. For example, http://www.wikihow.com is a naked URL. However, we seldom find naked URLs most often, except in case of profile URLs, because people do not link that way.


As the name suggests these are words that just could be “click here” or “visit this page” etc;
Image Anchor Text
At times people use Image as anchor text for the link. Whenever an image is linked, Google will use the alt + tag as the anchor text.

LSI Anchor Text

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) is using a relevant keyword or closely related keyword as Anchor text. LSI Anchor texts make your anchor text profile look more natural.

How to Distribute Anchor Texts

If you do not want to be penalized by Google, It’s safe to follow the ideal practices, when it comes to anchor texts. That said 70% of Branded, 20% Naked, 5% Generic, and 1% – 5% LSI is what the experts opine as ideal.

It is very important to place the best anchor text on the best link opportunities. Generally, people have the tendency to link to the domain name or to the actual title of the page. However, if there are too
many inbound links to a page with the same keyword as anchor text, there is a possibility that Google
will take a closer look at the site and will eventually realize that the site is using manipulative methods to acquire keyword-rich anchor text and it will penalize accordingly. Hence, it is always good to keep things simple and real.

One needs to keep in mind that the anchored texts should be more descriptive rather than generic, as
they add better value to the site. That said, the text should be relevant to the page that you are actually


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